Best Practices in Customer Success Recruiting?

I recently did an interesting research exercise that involved reading and analyzing 100+ open job announcements on LinkedIn.  I only looked at CSM positions, and favored software companies. I’ve long known that companies copy each others job announcements, changing...

The Knowledge of Customer Success

London taxi drivers have to pass a test on “The Knowledge,” proving their ability to navigate throughout the city. The Quality community has an extensive body of knowledge that their professionals must master, as do Project Managers. That common foundation of...

To Charge or Not to Charge; Is That the Question?

There are a couple of perennial “hot buttons” in the worldwide profession of Customer Success.  The first and by far the oldest is the question of commissions for customer success managers.  As many a leader of a local CS meetup has found, discussions about...

Why Customer Success Should Own Revenue

Anyone who has spent time working in a Customer Success organization can attest to the fact that Customer Success can be defined in many ways, resulting in different responsibilities and metrics. The role may or may not include things such as: onboarding, training,...

The Case for Premium Customer Success

Does your company offer separately billable Customer Success services?  Authentic Customer Success? (As opposed to “Customer Support contracts by a fancier name?” or paid Implementation / OnBoarding?)  If so, is it a profitable product?  Generating strategically...

The Monetization of Customer Success

When I first began formal research into the emerging profession of Customer Success over 9 years ago, there were no CS groups that reported any direct connection to income channels — either owned or shared. In the 2017 Customer Success Standards Initiative Research...

Creating Career Paths in Customer Success

Career Pathing in Customer Success (CS) is important for individuals and for companies. Staying with a company for two to five years is completely acceptable these days. In Silicon Valley, I see people staying less than 18 months and no one blinks. The Customer...