The purpose of The Customer Success Association website and pages is to provide visitors and members with the most up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive information we can about the profession and practices of Customer Success Management. Towards that end, we monitor what brings people to our site (external links, search engine queries, etc.) and what is read (page views, internal links followed, etc.) so that we can improve and extend our resources. If you use the Search facility on the site to look for specific content, we collect the specific search string you used and the number of hits it returned, but this is not tied to your identity in any way. If you click on a link for one of our partners, or an entry in any of the vendors lists (CSTECH, Consultants, Trainers, Recruiters, Outsourcers, etc.) your identity is not tracked in any way by our site, nor do we ever provide any information about you to any of those vendors.
In time, we hope to be able to offer content suggestions to you based on what you’ve viewed before and/or what we know in general about what similar readers are accessing. This will be done via cookies on the site, used on this site only and never given to anyone else.
When you join the Customer Success Association, whether as an Associate (free) member or as a paid Executive Member or Research Member, the information you provide in the process (email address, name, title, company, location/region, etc.) is added to our mailing list if you are an executive CS group leader. The list data is maintained on a mail service site, and is used for occasional emails to you. You may unsubscribe at any time from that mailing list; every mailing we send has an unsubscribe button on it and its effect is both immediate and automatic. You may also end your membership in the CSA at any time by logging into the site and cancelling the membership of whatever level here. If you cancel your CSA membership, that act automatically and immediately removes all data about you from our site. (It does not, however, automatically remove you from the mailing list.)
As with the research that we do, we never provide information about individuals to anyone; only aggregate data is used for reporting. The only exception to that policy in the past was for contact data about registrants to the Customer SuccessCon events, which was furnished to sponsors of the individual events for their use in one mailing.
If you have questions or concerns about the data we collect from site visits, etc., please contact us.