The Customer Success Wiki Index

Customer Success: More Than Just Problem Solving

Overview Customer Success is a proactive, relationship-driven approach to ensuring that customers achieve their desired outcomes while using a product or service. While it involves solving problems, its primary focus lies in empowering customers, enhancing their experiences, and building […]

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Online Communities and Customer Success

Outlines of people standing on circles liked by lines

Having designed, built and run online communities since 1980, there is no question in my mind about the potential value of these resources, especially for Customer Success.  I’ve seen it proven, over and over. Today, with the tremendous pressure […]

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Welcome to Customer Success

Having worked closely with numerous clients and witnessed their success stories, I want to share my insights on how individuals can embark on a fulfilling career in customer success. Customer success revolves around ensuring that customers achieve their desired […]

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Before You Buy a Customer Success Tool

There is no easy button in Customer Success. No matter how amazing a CS tool is, YOU have to put in the work to get it there. Read below to learn what to do BEFORE you buy a Customer […]

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Customer Success Certifications

5 golden stars on dark background

One of the most common questions submitted by newcomers to The Customer Success Forum on LinkedIn is: “What are the best certifications for an aspiring customer success manager?”  The intent of the question is very clear:  What will help […]

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Definition: The Customer Success Organization

Customer Success Definitions icon

The Customer Success Association has been conducting research into the evolution of Customer Success organizations since 2010, focusing on the Strategy, Process, People and Technology aspects of CS teams all around the world.  This includes such factors as reporting […]

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Procedure: The Transition From Sales to Customer Success

Flowchart with man pointing

The following Procedure was written for a standard process found in B2B software firms to cover the transition in account leadership from Sales to Customer Success. Not every company will have all of these roles or steps in the […]

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Mikael Blaisdell & Associates
Text: The Success League
Mikael Blaisdell & Associates
Text: The Success League
Text: The Success League