About The Customer Success Directory

Around the clock, 365 days per year, worldwide, hundreds of Customer Success executive team leaders come looking for resources for their groups and companies.  Since 2012, The Customer Success Association has been the go-to source with the most up-to-date and complete registries of CS tools and resources of all kinds.  In addition to the CSTECH Vendors List and the registries of Consultants, Training, Recruiting, and Outsourcing firms, there is also The Customer Success Library, the Customer Success Index, CS Books, and Customer Success Central with its articles.  The 61K+ member international Customer Success Forum on LinkedIn is the largest gathering of CS executive team leaders anywhere. All of these resources can be quickly accessed via The Customer Success Directory.

The Beginnings of The Customer Success Directory

As the profession of Customer Success began to develop and to spread worldwide, it was quickly clear that the standard CRM systems would not be enough for the needs of the new role. Designed as they were primarily to serve the needs of new-logo hunting Sales teams, there was a design limit on how far the SFA’s, the Sales Force Automation tools, could be adapted. To respond to the needs of CS groups, led by emerging companies like Totango and Gainsight (formerly jBara Systems), the new Customer Success Platform (CSP) products began to proliferate.
But the initial CSPs weren’t enough by themselves as the Customer Success groups began to take on more responsibilities for ensuring the success of their customers. Learning Management Systems (LMS) were added to the necessary technological stacks, along with a wide variety of analytical tools. Onboarding teams needed Project Management applications. Online discussion groups became a standard resource to help with scaling the capabilities of the CS teams. Where once there were a handful of CS Technology vendors, today there is well over 300, with more companies entering the market all the time.  (For more information about the development of the CSTECH sector, see The History of Customer Success part 2.)

Maintaining The Customer Success Directory

Keeping track of the rapidly developing CSTECH market is a full-time job in and of itself. well beyond the bandwidth of busy CS team leaders. That’s why the registries and detail maps of The Customer Success Directory are so popular, for they streamline your access to the resources you need. Your premium memberships in The Customer Success Association help to keep the work going.

The Resources of The Customer Success Directory

The resource registries for Technology, Consulting, Training, Recruiting and Outsourcing include an alphabetical List of company names, and for each list, there is also a detail page providing a breakout by type of technology or service.
And there’s more…

For Customer Success Resource Providers

If your company is marketing an application to the global CS community, or you’re a consultant, trainer/coach, recruiter, or outsourcer — you definitely need to be listed in the Directory.  There is no charge for a basic listing, all you need to do is to complete the application form via the links on each page so that we have the correct information about you.  Once your application has been received, your company name in the Directory will be a link back to your own website.  CSTECH application vendors should click here to go to the CSTECH application form directly.  Consultants, Trainers, Recruiters, and Outsourcing firms should use this link for the services application form.
Want to increase market awareness for your CS brand?  Design, develop, and/or extend your corporate ecosystem of partners and allies?  Create or enhance your digital customer success resources?  For more information about these options, please use the Contact Us form here.
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