Since 2014, The Customer Success Index(tm) has been a topical directory to the best of the worldwide customer success content. It was originally arranged by principal topic and then by sub-groups under each topic. The Index has now been revised, updated, and re-launched as a fully searchable curated collection of links arranged by category and by tags. A free-form search facility is also included. Companies, articles, lists, videos, podcasts, white papers — resources of all kinds can be reviewed and accessed freely by anyone.
Using The Customer Success Index
Want to find a consultant to assist with some aspect of designing, building, or optimizing your company’s Customer Success group? The Customer Success Index has entries and links to all known/established consultants throughout the worldwide professional community. Looking for technology product to round out your tech suite? The Index has entries for the most comprehensive and up-to-date lists and maps for all CSTECH options. Training courses and trainers, certifications, recruiters, outsourcers — whatever you’re wanting to find, the CS Index is the first place to look.
Where once there were few articles available about the profession of Customer Success, now there are thousands upon thousands from a wide variety of sources. Finding the best resources in the flood can be difficult — that’s why all materials submitted for inclusion into the Index are reviewed before being published. The best of the best are emphasized – look for the CSA Recommended flag on all kinds of content entries.
The Customer Success Index now has a rating system that allows Association members to rate the resources themselves for quality.
Adding to The Customer Success Index
Anyone may suggest content or other resources for inclusion in the Index by emailing a suggestion or the Contact Us link in the upper right corner of any page of the site. Executive members (or higher) may create new entries directly and submit them for review.