Writing For The Customer Success Wiki

In order to create new CS Wiki articles, or to propose revisions to existing ones, you’ll need to be logged-in to the site as at least an Associate/free member of The Customer Success Association.  The Wiki Controls box and the Add New Wiki Article button in the right sidebar are only visible to logged-in members.  Similarly, the Submit Revision button at the bottom of Wiki articles only appears after you’ve logged into the site.

Creating New Wiki Articles / Revisions to Existing Content

To create a new Wiki entry, click on the Add New Wiki Article in the Wiki Controls area at the top of the right sidebar on an existing Wiki article.

If you are not already logged into the CSA site as at least an Associate/Free member, you’ll be taken to the login screen.  If you are logged in, the screen will be cleared and the editor form for creating a new article will be displayed.  You’ll need to choose a title for the article and a category from the list in the right sidebar, and then add the content.  We recommend that you create the content in a separate Word or other app document and use copy/paste to upload it to the site editor screens.  (.RTF or Rich Text Format is best.)

To submit a revision to an existing Wiki article, click on the Submit Revision button at the bottom of the existing article.  You’ll then be taken to the editor screen, and the contents of the existing article will appear in the main area for you to revise as you think appropriate.  When your edits are complete, click on the blue Submit Revision box in the right sidebar.

The Wiki Review Process

As each new draft or revision is submitted, it will go into a Review queue to be evaluated by the Wiki team members and an email will be sent to members of the Review Committee.  When the new content is approved, it will be released for publication and automatically added to The Customer Success Wiki Index.

Writing Style Guide

The language of the article should be clear and factual.  Opinion and/or argumentative content should be submitted for consideration as a Customer Success Central article rather than as a Wiki entry.

Over time, we’ll develop standards and perhaps specific templates for different types of Wiki articles.


Every aspect of the profession of Customer Success will hopefully be covered in the Wiki.  If you’re writing for CSMs in the software industry, try to suggest adaptations or variations that may be useful to non-software CSMs as well.

Version 1.0 First Draft