Since 2013, Customer SuccessCon conversations have addressed the fundamental realities of the emerging process of Customer Success. Led by Mikael Blaisdell, Executive Director of The Customer Success Association, Customer SuccessCon is about the art and science of Customer Success. We look at the current state of the profession and into a road map to its future — and yours. The conference speakers include some of the most experienced and visionary thought leaders in the global Customer Success community.

Throughout the conference program and the Reception that follows, there are opportunities for networking with other Customer Success executives facing similar challenges. The initial sessions last for an afternoon. The interactions and work of building the profession and its operational groups, however, will continue long after.

The Customer SuccessCon Program

The Customer SuccessCon Program

Customer SuccessCon: Advisors and Faculty

Customer SuccessCon: Advisors and Faculty

Customer SuccessCon Reviews & Comments

Customer SuccessCon Reviews & Comments

Customer SuccessCon Schedule

Customer SuccessCon Schedule

Customer SuccessCon History

Customer SuccessCon History

Customer SuccessCon OnSite: Customer Success Briefings

Customer SuccessCon OnSite: Customer Success Briefings

Speaking at Customer SuccessCon Events

Speaking at Customer SuccessCon Events

Sponsoring/Exhibiting at <em>Customer SuccessCon</em> Events

Sponsoring/Exhibiting at Customer SuccessCon Events

Agenda: Customer SuccessCon Seattle 2020

Agenda: Customer SuccessCon Seattle 2020

Agenda: Customer SuccessCon Berkeley 2019

Agenda: Customer SuccessCon Berkeley 2019

Agenda: Customer SuccessCon London 2019

Agenda: Customer SuccessCon London 2019

Agenda: Customer SuccessCon Denver 2019

Agenda: Customer SuccessCon Denver 2019

Mikael Blaisdell & Associates
Text: The Success League
Mikael Blaisdell & Associates
Text: The Success League
Text: The Success League